When the store building became available in 2018, we had a thought about how to implement a belief that Andrew (the owner) has held strongly for many years. Let's work with LOCAL business men and women to provide our customers food and gift items that they can know where originated. And not that surprisingly, that model seems to be appreciated by our customer base and word continues to spread.
We're VERY proud to offer a wide-ranging selection of "Locally Grown, Locally Supplied, and Locally Crafted" items within the Dahinda General Store. We finished renovations and opened the General Store in May 2019 with roughly 15 local vendors, which by March of 2021 has grown to include almost 45. Everyone grows their produce, honey, and animals within proximity to Dahinda. In fact, most Saturdays in the summer months you can meet many of those farmers at our Farmer's Markets. Our snacks, jams/jellies, baking supplies, food items, etc. are all sourced by local cooks (in certified kitchens) and our Amish friends in Cuba, Illinois; not to mention the freshly-made bakery items that we make daily in our certified kitchen within the store. And all of our crafted items are hand-made by vendors all within 30 miles of Dahinda as well. They include potters, wood-workers, seamstresses, candle-makers, jewelry-makers, herbalists, soap-makers, blacksmiths, and more. So "come on down" to Dahinda, and you'll be glad you did!
We're so thankful to be working with:
Alwan & Son's Meat Market - Peoria Heights, IL
Ann Hulin - Williamsfield, IL
Becca Cypher - Oak Run, IL
Brown Dog Knife Company - Princeville, IL
BurdWorks - Bartonville, IL
ChickenScratch Pottery - Kirkwood, IL
Court Creek Candles - Knoxville, IL
Dale Lynn - Chillicothe, IL
Danny the Rock Man - Van Buren, MO
Deb Campbell - Appleton, IL
Dunn's Farm Fresh Honey - Monica, IL
Fritzy's Greenhouse - Williamsfield, IL
Hart's Honey - Kickapoo, IL
Heartland Bulk Foods - Cuba, IL
Hilltop Farms - Dahinda, IL
Jeanne's Emporium - Knoxville, IL
Jennifer Miller - Galesburg, IL
Kathy Howard - Knoxville, IL
Laurie Allen - Aledo, IL
Lee Bakery - Roseville, IL
Linnea Gallery - Gilson, IL
Lisa Hanson Photography - Dahinda IL
On the Edge Country CBD - Altona, IL
Persifer Soap Company - Dahinda, IL
Pettit Family Maple Syrup (trees in Wisconsin; family in Peoria, IL)
Pilot Knob Comforts - Oneida, IL
Pop of the Morning - Dahinda/Williamsfield, IL
Ron Craig - Galva, IL
Ronald & Patty Dean - Galesburg, IL
Seed Savers Exchange - Decorah, IA
Shellstruck - Knoxville, IL
Silver Bindings - Galesburg, IL
Soperville Road Creations - Galesburg, IL
Tina's Botanicals - Knoxville, IL
Triple-Blessed Bows - Peoria, IL
Wolf-Covered Woodworks - Gilson, IL